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Post Category: Hope Weekly

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A Message of Gratitude

It's Sunday evening and I'm sitting on my sofa still winding down from our fantastic chili cook off. If you missed it, we had about 150 people scarf up 17 kinds of homemade chili. ...

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Change - A Word From Efrem Smith

Fall is a time of change. Soon we will change the time on our clocks and gain an extra hour. The weather will change and we will experience more rain, cooler breezes, and in some parts of our mission region â€" snow. Change definitely happens. Why do we often fight change?...

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What the Heck is "the Gospel"?

Peter's sermons and writings are drenched with the gospel. The problem is in our culture many people have lost the meaning of "the gospel" It has begun to mean anything and everything. However, for the early church and the writers of the New Testament it had a very specific meaning. Let's explore it together! ...

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Participation or Observation - Part I

Recently I was having conversation with a friend who was going to be participating in his first triathlon. It was one day before the big race. When I asked what he had done to prepare, he told me about his last 16 weeks of regimented training. He was intentional about what how he worked out, how he rested, what he ate, and when he slept. Every precaution that could be take...

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The World is Going to the Dogs and Why Maybe That Would Be a Good Thing

The Fox News headline says that two 2nd grade girls were found murdered in Zion, Illinois today. These best friends went out to ride their bikes together and never came back. Some despicable, evil bastard stabbed them multiple times and left them for dead. ...

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The Heart of the Commander: "Love your neighbor" NOT "try to fix your neighbor"

In yesterday’s sermon, Pastor Duane asked a vital, if not the pinnacle question for all followers of Jesus: what does love require of me? Recently, several in our congregation shared with me their troubling circumstances. All of them came to me with of a sense of disappointment in the response of trusted friends and family. ...

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The Joy of Hilarious Giving

There are two ways to give gifts. Chances are you’ve tried them both. Could it be that we Christians are missing a wonderful opportunity to express our love to God? God is call us to joyful, sacrificial, hilarious giving. Jesus is our inspiration. ...

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You Lost Me: Addressing the Church's Dropout Problem

The church in America has a “dropout problem.” We all see it. Young people, particularly after high school, are ditching church. Droves of the Mosaic (or Millennial) generation are checking out and abandoning the faith....

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Practical Spirituality: The Tie That Binds

Gravity and nuclear forces hold the physical universe together. What holds the spiritual universe together, preventing us from fragmenting into separate specks of spiritual dust? It's Love. But love draws us so close together that bumps and bruises are inevitable. So God gave us lubricants to reduce the friction and heat that would otherwise destroy us as surely as a r...

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The "Goat Man" and Christian Living

“He’s been spotted out in the dusty wilds of Utah, lurking among the four-hoofed creatures on his hands and knees. He wears a funny suit with horns and a phony beard. And he’s developing a public following. He is… Goatman. And he’s baaaaaaaad...” says John Glionna. Believe it or not, the Goat Man has a thing or two to teach us....

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