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Post Category: Hope Weekly

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Change is difficult. Mention to any human being that "change" is in order, and uneasiness sets in. Old habits are difficult to break....

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Stories of Hope: Pam Zeigler

From time to time we will be having people from Hope share their "God stories" on our blog. Today, Pam Zeigler shares with us her amazing story of God's grace in the midst of financial ruin and painful circumstances. Her story is an encouraging account of how God "works all things together for the good of those who love God."...

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For Spiritual Laws of the Universe

The universe is built with all sorts of invisible laws and principles, forces and particles. But we know lots of these laws. Even though we can't actually see them, we can see how they behave. Gravity pulls downwards, lift pulls upwards, magnetism attracts and repels, but we've never seen any of these forces directly. God has shown us some of the universal laws that ar...

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Practical Faith

We sometimes talk about faith as if it was a special, church-only phenomenon. But in fact, faith is both practical and common. We use it every day, though we might not recognize it. We rely on faith when our eyes fail us....

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Social Media Used for Sex Exploitation

Kids are using the internet,namely social media, to lure unsuspecting, unknowing victims into the sex trafficking world....

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God's Child

A sense of God's unconditional and lavish love for us is foundational to our spiritual formation. It is the fertile soil out of which our growth can take place. Today we welcome as guest writer, Richard Parrish, to share his story of learning to see himself as God's beloved child....

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I'm not a fan of "church" words. I don't mean technical terms – redeem, sanctify, and baptize, for example – that mean specific things and belong in church. I mean those words that we use out of habit long after we've forgotten why. My past is littered with lots of King James thees and thous, and spiritual-sounding words like mindful… words I never use in casual c...

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What's the Big Deal about Church Membership?

Who needs church membership? Why does it even matter? In this article Pastor Brandon considers these questions and why church membership is important for the spiritual health and vitality of every Christian. ...

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Passion for Children's Ministry

Pastor Barb explains why we should all be passionate about Children's Ministry....

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How John Travolta Healed My Image of God

Pastor Corrie in her role as chaplain helps us to relate to a difficult patient as he blames God for his life circumstances....

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