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Post Category: Hope Weekly

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Is Global Missions a Waste of Time?

Is global missions a waste of time? After all, why worry about Colombia when there is so much need in Chandler? Why spend ourselves on people we don’t know, when there are so many people without Christ we do know? In this weeks article Pastor Brandon tackles these important questions and gives a fresh insight into the heart and strategy of our Missionary God. ...

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John 19:26 - Woman, behold your son

Picture Jesus swollen and tattooed with bruises, stripped of his clothes, adorned with a crown of thorns, with pieces of metal pounded through his hands and feet. He hangs vulnerable and in pain in front of enemies and followers and his mother Mary. In the midst of this great suffering, Jesus looks down at his mother and says, “Woman, behold your son.”...

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The Battleground: A Holy Week Reflection

How many of you could easily make two columns and file your life experiences under either the header “Mountaintop” or “Battleground?” Both are common metaphors we use to speak about our spiritual journey. The mountaintop is a prevalent faith metaphor for those sublime times in which we acknowledge that life with God is good. A mountaintop vista m...

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I'm Dreaming...

I know. It’s too late to dream of a white Christmas. Quite honestly, snow never occurs in my dreams (just my nightmares). No, I’m dreaming about the “dream church” these days â€" the kind of church that changes lives and makes an impact. The kind of church that makes God smile. I’m seeing glimpses of it here at Hope these days. Allow me ...

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Stop, Drop, and Pray

In the midst of our noisy and busy world it's easy for prayer to take a backseat. Many believers feel they are in the prayer rut--they know they should be praying but they are lacking the tools and time. In today's blog post Pastor Brandon introduces us to an ancient church prayer practice called The Examen. This tool offers a simple way reviewing your day with the Lord an...

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Gardening with Pastor Barb

Spring is in the air and Easter eggs are everywhere! It's my favorite time of the year. I can't wait for my yard to start to grow and bloom again. People say we don't have seasons here in Phoenix but I think we do. ...

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A Potentially Disruptive Re-entry System

I have a close friend who is a very unique individual (you know who you are!). He is an Irish (not Swedish Covenant pastor and an accomplished writer and artist. He doesn’t drink coffee or play golf; he watches “The Simpson’s,” listens to the Rolling Stones and is a war-and weapons buff. Several years ago, he and I visited Gettysburg where he rega...

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Privileged: Reflections on Midwinter 2013

Did you ever attend church camps as a kid? I did. I have fond memories growing up of camps. Winter and summer camps were always high points in the year. I loved getting away from home, clearing my mind, and hearing powerful preaching, moving music and having late night conversations with other Christians. I would usually come down the hill refueled, refreshed and renewed....

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A Word From Efrem

As we enter a new year, it is a great time to sit for a moment in between thankfulness and expectation. As I communicated with one of our pastors, we were able to celebrate the number of people who came to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior during the Christmas services. I could sense in this pastor’s excitement a great expectation of what is to come....

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Pastor Corrie's Favorite Passages From the Prophet Isaiah

There is nothing more uplifting than the message of scripture. For my article this month, I want to pass along some of my favorite passages from the prophet Isaiah. Spend some time reading, listening and meditating on the encouragements and challenges that are here....

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