Here at Hope we believe that our “WITHness is our witness.”
Withness requires us to be with God and with others. We believe being a community of believers on mission together sharing Christ’s love is one of the primary mechanisms of the local church. It’s when we do this that we see heaven and earth come together so that compassion, mercy and justice are unleashed in the world and lives around us. There are many ways to do this, but we value highly loving others out of the posture of transformational “withness” rather than transactional witness.
There are four primary areas we have identified for avenues in which we can have impact in our world. In Acts 1:8 we see Jesus’ words to his disciples post resurrection, “...and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” These four locations serve as a metaphorical map for ways in which we believe God has provided opportunities for us to be “Hope on Mission” together.
Jerusalem - The Church:
Next Generation: HOPEKids/Epic Youth
Creation Care: Landscape Team
Hospitality: Sunday Connections Team (Greeters, Coffee, Security, Post Service Prayer)
Church Outreach: Special Events Team for Church Wide Events (ex: Easter, Trunk or Treat)
Prayer: Prayer Shawl Ministry, Coming Soon: Healing Prayer Team
Judea - The City
Kids: San Marcos Elementary School
Elderly: Reminisce Ministry at Mosaic Gardens Memory Care Facility
Hungry: Matthew’s Crossing FoodBank
Refugees: Resettled Ministry works with various partners in the valley
Samaria - The Region
Community Development: 1Mission in Puerto Penasco, Mexico
Orphans: NAOMI House on the Navajo Reservation in Northern Arizona
Ends of the Earth - The World
Ecuador: The Santiago Partnership with the Delp Family
Colombia: Izasa Family - Covenant Missionaries
If you are interested in serving in any way please fill out our Mission Connect Form and note the areas you’d like more information about.
If you have any questions you can reach out to Pastor Liz at or our office at