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Becoming a Church for the Unchurched

A study was done in the last few years, and the results were published in the book, Surprising Insights from the Unchurched, by Thom S. Rainer. I was challenged as a leader to become a church for the unchurched. Here are some of the author's conclusions based on his research....

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The Christian Dream

Here's a little test for you. What comes to mind when you see these words? Greed Wanting More The Principle of Progress Exposure The American Dream Discontentment Upgrading Material Appetites...

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Do You Believe in Divine Healing?

"Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is Heaven." Jesus' words found in Matthew 6:9-10 and the Sermon on the Mount. I have a confession to make, the more I read and study the Bible, the less I know about what is written in the Bible. I am going through a time in my life when I have more questions than answers. I don't doubt God's existence, or...

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Jesus the Word

Confession time. I don't enjoy reading the Apostle John. The engineer in me is drawn to the clear narratives of Matthew, Mark, and Luke......

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The Call of God's Kingdom

Pastor Corrie gives us 6 scriptures to meditate upon this week......

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Marriage Still Matters

Are you disillusioned with the institution of marriage?...

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American Idols

There I was, standing at the foot of one of the greatest buildings in the world, a symbol of democracy, power, and empire. Pillars, over one hundred feet tall, towered over my head. It was breathtaking. It was the Parthenon, an ancient temple dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom, courage and warfare......

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Emotional Healing - Time to Let Go!

Are you holding grudges, keeping thoughts piled up that keep interfering with your life?...

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Grief is an unavoidable thing. Since that is true, why don't more of us handle it better? Read Pastor Corrie's article today to give us some coping tools....

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Grumbling Meets Grace

Do you ever struggle with grumbling and complaining? Today's article will explore the subject of grumbling, why we do it, and what our proper response should be. ...

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