Summer Together: The conversion of Saul
July 23, 2017 Series: Summer Together: Celebrating Community
Topic: Summer Together Verse: Acts 9:1–30, Romans 10:9–13, Ephesians 2:8–9
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1. How do you know you are Christian?
2. How do you know others are Christians?
3. How do others know you are Christian?
Prevenient Grace of God: God's grace comes to us first. He moves us to respond in faith.
The sudden conversion of Saul - Grace of God caused the conversion
The gradual conversion of Saul - Ref. Acts 26:12
The response
The Transformation - A changed life
GOADS - something that encourages, urges or drives
God persuses you.
Have you accepted his free of gift of grace?
Live in Love not fear.
More in Summer Together: Celebrating Community
August 6, 2017
Summer Together: Paul and BarnabasJuly 30, 2017
Sumer Together: The conversion of CorneliusJuly 16, 2017
Summer Together: The example of Philip