Summer Together: Community Part 1
June 18, 2017 Speaker: Series: Summer Together: Celebrating Community
Topic: Summer Together Verse: Acts 2:42–47
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Devoted: Community Part 1
1. Life in authenitic community is characterized by people who are devoted to God and to eachother.
2. People in Jesus-center community are devoted to the people who are outside the community.
Ref: Genisis 12:1-3, Matt 16:18
Going Deeper - Questions for futher reflection:
How have you engaged in cultivating community in this season of your life?
How are you devoted:
1) to God and other believers?
2) to people outside of Christian community?
If nyou are not, what's holding you back?
Are there other forms of devotion in your life that you need to take a second look at, in order to devote your energy toward authentic Christian community?
Who are 3 people you could approach in order to build intentional community:
1) Inside our church?
2) Outside our church?
More in Summer Together: Celebrating Community
August 6, 2017
Summer Together: Paul and BarnabasJuly 30, 2017
Sumer Together: The conversion of CorneliusJuly 23, 2017
Summer Together: The conversion of Saul