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Volunteer Opportunity for Summer Homeless Miinstry

Volunteer Opportunity for Summer Homeless Miinstry

Every Monday until August 20, 2012

12:00pm – 5:00pm

Category: Church Event

We will be partnering with Salvation Army Chandler this year for our Summer Ministry. Cool Spot is a two-month ministry to the homeless in Chandler at the Salvation Army in downtown Chandler. The goal is to provide the homeless community with a place to escape the heat from noon-5pm during the hot summer months. The Cool Spot will provide them with water, food, shade, entertainment, and conversation during this time. Here's where we come in--we will be sponsoring the Monday Cool Spot.

VOLUNTEER for two-hour shifts on one or more Mondays. We hope to have two volunteers at the Salvation Army from Noon-5pm for every Monday to hang out and facilitate. This is a great opportunity to break out of our comfort zones and be Jesus with skin on to our city.

Contact Pastor Brandon for info and questions at brandon@hopeispossible.org