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Invest & Invite

Hope Weekly  10/21/13




Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase used around Hope lately. It is part of our vision and it’s all about partnership with you, the staff, and the Holy Spirit. The idea of “Invest and Invite” is that each attender is a partner with the pastoral staff in reaching people for Christ. Here’s how it works:

We promise to provide the good news of Jesus in a biblical, relevant, and connecting way each Sunday morning, where you and your friends will be blessed, challenged, and encouraged.

You promise to do what we cannot do: invite your friends to Sunday worship.

The beauty of this partnership is that everyone does their part. Let’s face it; fear and ignorance are the two primary obstacles to personal evangelism. I remember as a youth being terrified to go door-to-door “witnessing” and it never seemed to work. But this partnership is an exciting adventure we take together to introduce your friends to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Each of us becomes responsible for using our relational influence to further the kingdom of God.

Our commitment to you is to design a service that will teach, enrich, and honor Christ. And here’s the really good news: God, by his Holy Spirit, will be in this place, doing His work of loving, calling, convicting, and drawing people into an intimate relationship with Him. A wonderful model of the Invest and Invite strategy is Andrew, one of Jesus’ disciples. When Andrew discovered Jesus’ true identity, the Bible says he went and found his brother Peter, and he brought him to Jesus.” (John 1:42)

Your staff (Duane, Brandon, Ryan, Brian, Corrie, Barb, and Mike) would like to challenge you in the name of Jesus to “Invest and Invite.” Will you take the challenge? The rewards will be eternal

For the Kingdom,


Pastor Duane

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