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HOPE Covenant Sermons

Freedom & Generosity // Heartbeat of Hope // Doug Glynn

November 17, 2024 Speaker: Doug Glynn Series: Heartbeat of Hope

Topic: Generosity Verse: Genesis 14, Matthew 6:19–24

Freedom & Generosity // Heartbeat of Hope // Doug Glynn


This Sunday Pastor Doug spoke on practicing a posture of Worship in our lives through the act of tithing and generosity. In Matthew 6:19-24, Jesus teaches on how we should steward our money and that it can become a God that we serve (Mammon) if we aren't paying attention and actively working against it by giving. Through changing our relationship to wealth to that of a gift from God much like Abram in Genesis 14, we are able to open up our hands and look upwards to God to see the abundance and freedom that has already been provided. Windy Ogba shares a testimony around tithing during which God changed her heart towards generosity instead of fear.