Women and Men and Jesus
May 20, 2018 Speaker: Series: Family Matters
Topic: Relationships Verse: Luke 4:18–19, John 4:1–32, John 4:26, Luke 7:36–50, Luke 8:1–3, Luke 10:38–42
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There was 400 years of silence from Malachi to Matthew - during that time Judaism came into being and the Mosaic laws (252 of them) were expanded to 613 laws with 100 of those laws against women.
Jesus and women
In Luke 7 the sinful woman came in and anointed Jesus with precious oils - Jesus shows her respect in the midst of her brokenness.
John 4:26 is the first time Jesus announces he's the Messiah and he does so to a Samaritan woman at the well.
In Luke 10 38-42 - the story of Mary and Martha - Jesus notes that Mary was sitting at his feet - that is a technical term from that time that means "to be a rabbi's disciple"
There were also the women who stayed with Jesus during that Holy Week and who were there to find the stone rolled away from his grave. If Christians were trying to fake the news of the ressurection they would NEVER have admitted that women were the first eyewitnesses because women were not allowed to testify because they were considered unreliable.
More in Family Matters
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Women and Men and MarriageMay 27, 2018
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