Summer Together: As Is: Community Part 2
June 25, 2017 Speaker: Series: Summer Together: Celebrating Community
Topic: Summer Together Verse: Acts 2:42–47, Colossians 3:11–13
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"One of the greatest marks of maturity is to accept the fact that everyone is 'as-is'."
Grace for others
Willling to be vulernable
Two questions to answer:
1. How will I devote myself making this a place of love and grace?
2. How will I begin to risk trusting others with who I really am? With my fears, imperfections, struggles and flaws?
Ref: John Lynch, "The Cure"
More in Summer Together: Celebrating Community
August 6, 2017
Summer Together: Paul and BarnabasJuly 30, 2017
Sumer Together: The conversion of CorneliusJuly 23, 2017
Summer Together: The conversion of Saul