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HOPE Covenant Sermons

Know Yourself That You May Know God

February 19, 2017 Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Topic: General Verse: 1 Samuel 17:1–58

Symptoms of a “False Self”

  1. I say yes when I really mean no.
  2. I get depressed when people are upset with me.
  3. I have a need to be approved by others to feel good about myself.
  4. I act nice on the outside, but inside “I can’t stand you!”
  5. I often remain silent in order to “keep the peace.”
  6. I believe that if I make mistakes, I myself am a failure.
  7. I criticize others in order to feel better about myself.
  8. I avoid looking weak or foolish for not having the answer.
  9. I have to be doing something exceptional to feel alive.
  10. I have to be needed to feel alive.
  11. I am fearful and can’t take risks.
  12. I do what others want so they don’t get mad at me.
  13. I use knowledge and competence to cover my feelings of inadequacy.
  14. I want my children to behave well so others will think I am a good parent.
  15. I compare myself a lot to other people.

Four Practical Principles to begin making the radical transition to living faithful to our true self in Christ:

1. Pay attention to your Interior in Silence and Solitude
2. Find Trusted Companions
3. Move out of your comfort zone
4. Pray for courage

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