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HOPE Covenant Sermons

Going All The Way

May 12, 2013 Speaker: Series: I Do! I Don't! I Will! I Won't

Topic: Relationships Verse: Matthew 5:43–5:44


“Going All the Way”

Pastor Duane Cross | 05.12.2013


I) Recognize that love is not a feeling.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemies. But I say to you, love your enemies. If you do this, you will be true children of your Father in heaven.’” Matthew 5:43-44

II) Don’t let Romance die.

“Enjoy the wife you married as a young man! Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a rose-don’t ever quit taking delight in her body. Never take her love for granted!.” Proverbs 5:18-19 (Message)


1. You need awareness.

2. You need affirmation.

“So encourage each other and build each other up...” I Thessalonians 5:11

3. You need affection.

4. You need adventure.

“Put on nice clothes and make yourself look good. Enjoy life with the one you love...”

Ecclesiastes 9:8-9

III) Recognize and accept your differences.

1. Men and women were created equal, but different.

“So God created people in his own image. God patterned them after himself, male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

2. The differences between men and women are for their good.

“And the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion who will help him.’” Genesis 2:8

3. God’s call to men and women is to become one.

“This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” Genesis 2:24

IV) Don’t bail out on marriage too soon.

1. Divorce is not the “easy answer” to your problems.

2. Divorce is not the unforgivable sin.

“Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”

Matthew 19:26


These questions are designed to help you go deeper with the sermon during your week-to take a closer look at the Scripture and find fresh ways to live out the main points of the sermon. Going Deeper questions also are used for discussion in all of our Grow Groups at Hope.

Scripture Reading

I Thessalonians 5:11; Ecclesiastes 9:8-9; Matthew 5:43-44

Getting Started

What insight or principle from this week’s message did you find helpful, interesting, or challenging? Explain.

Why should we have higher standards than the world when it comes to relationships?

In your relationships, which takes precedence: actions or feelings (motion or emotion)?

How would you define love?

A Closer Look

Pastor Duane said the love is not a feeling, primarily. Do you agree or disagree?

Read Proverbs 5:18-19. How do you keep romance from dying?

Pastor Duane said there are four things you need to keep your romance alive. Comment on each.

1. You need awareness.

2. You need affirmation.

3. You need affection.

4. You need adventure.

How difficult is it to recognize and accept the differences of your spouse/significant other?

Digging Deeper

When is divorce okay? Explain.

When is it proper to “hang in” in a marriage that is not working? Explain.

Pastor Duane said that divorce is not the unforgivable sin. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

How do we overcome marital failure as Christ-followers?

What are the steps you can take to recommit to THE ONE and THE TWO?


More in I Do! I Don't! I Will! I Won't

May 19, 2013

Does Sexual Purity Matter?

May 5, 2013

How Do We Find the Two?

April 28, 2013

How Do We Find the One?